Monday 28 September 2015

Concept 1

Within our group, we all had three film concepts, and the three were presented to the class. Out of the three, two ideas were voted as the best amongst our peers within the class. Those two were chosen based on their like ability, and how well thought out they were; and which ones could be done quite easily. All ideas were put on to Slideshare as a PowerPoint Presentation, giving our peers the general storyline of the horror trailer concept without giving too much away. We were given feedback, and the results of the votes also came through, which are as follows:

Pitch Feedback:
- Good film influences - links back to the sub genre of the horror trailer; similar locations
- Costume and make up; very achievable and simple yet effective; logical
- Very detailed; scenes of the trailer are interesting and make sense
- Very well thought out

- Storyline needs a bit more development
- Locations should be added; should refer back to horror subgenre