Monday 30 November 2015

Diary Log 30/11/2015

Currently, I'm editing my own version of the film trailer; I'm getting used to using final cut pro as I didn't use that last year. As I've been editing, I've noticed that we need to film more shots, as once I cut the shots, I realised we in fact needed some more of them. Soon we'll be filming extra shots in different locations (Paynes Wharf, Deptford and Elephant & Castle) so we've filmed in more than one place and so we got more footage to put into our trailer. I'm editing out 2 of my Q1.A essays to get them at a higher standard as they were not up to scratch before, and I will upload them before the lesson on Thursday.
In my group we need to allocate different roles to each other to ease the work load a bit for us all.

Monday 9 November 2015

Locations: Recce and Risk Asessment

Locations: Recce and Risk Asessment from aishales

We did the location shots to familiarize ourselves with the locations we're going to use. By doing this, we learned that there are some risks that we'd have to avoid and prevent from happening. For this risk assessment, we went to McDonald's, which is the location we will be using for the beginning of our trailer. I saw that this McDonald's has a very spacious entrance, which is suitable; and outside of school time, its not too be busy to film in. I believe that this is the right place to film, as it  fits well within our story.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Astral Studios - Make Up Test

We did the make up test to test out how to use horror make up that links in to our horror sub genre, which is zombie horror. By doing this, we learnt the do's and don't's of horror makeup, so we'd know how to do the make up for our actors and actresses on the days of our shoots. We also did this so when we actually do the make up, it wont take as much time as it did during the make up test; as we have a lot of actors and actresses playing zombies, so we'd have to know how to spend less time on doing their zombie makeup.