Monday 30 November 2015

Diary Log 30/11/2015

Currently, I'm editing my own version of the film trailer; I'm getting used to using final cut pro as I didn't use that last year. As I've been editing, I've noticed that we need to film more shots, as once I cut the shots, I realised we in fact needed some more of them. Soon we'll be filming extra shots in different locations (Paynes Wharf, Deptford and Elephant & Castle) so we've filmed in more than one place and so we got more footage to put into our trailer. I'm editing out 2 of my Q1.A essays to get them at a higher standard as they were not up to scratch before, and I will upload them before the lesson on Thursday.
In my group we need to allocate different roles to each other to ease the work load a bit for us all.

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