Monday 4 January 2016

things to improve - 4/1/16

In this lesson, we had a team meeting. The three of us (Ellie, Daniel and I) got together to see what needed improving across all of our individual tasks.
For the poster, which was my own individual task, I just have to do some fine tuning, and tweaking here and there and on the institutional blurb.
For the film trailer, which was Ellie's task, quite a few things need improving. One of those being that the shots in the trailer are too long, and that doesn't adhere to the conventions of a horror trailer, and the trailer itself is over 3 minutes long, and it needs to be just under half of that length. Another thing is that the zombies at the beginning of the trailer aren't as active as zombies should be, they're too still and should be doing zombie-like actions.

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